Friday, January 8, 2010

China BOUND!!! Whoo hoo, the TA (travel approval) arrived!!!

Got the call this morning that we have an official consulate appointment (CA) for January 26th. We will be flying out Wednesday January 13th at 7am bound for China.....So much to do in so little time, but we will make it. We will arrive in Beijing on the 14th and sight see for a couple of days there. We will fly on the 17th to Shanghai, and on January 18th- we will meet our precious Anna, our official "GOTCHA DAY". Yeah!!! 3 years of waiting is finally going to pay off. We will stay there in Shanghai until January 25th, where we will fly to Guangzhou for our consulate app. We have to stay there 2 days until we get her passport, and then CHATT bound we are. We will arrive back in Chatt on Saturday, January 30th at 11AM. So excited!! Once we get our official itinerary, I will post it.


Donna Davis, RN Case Manager Riley Hospital said...

This is so wonderful! So happy for you! You will be truly blessed! Do you have a picture of Anna? How old is she?

Anonymous said...

Donna, if you will go to the bottom page and click older posts, there will be pictures.......I started the blog in 2008. THanks for looking!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Candyce and Mickey, you are certainly in our thoughts and prayers....what an adventure you are on.....can't wait to meet your little Anna, she is and prayers.
Doris and Jim -(Idaho, right now Maui with guess who!!)