Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Heart Day!

Anna has still been doing great this week. Of course Thursday and Friday nights were spent at the gym for basketball games, and Saturday we went to Chick fil A and then to more basketball games. We had a great evening of watching the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics and cheering on the US as well as China Saturday night. 
We had a great Valentines Day! We went to church and she got to meet alot of new people. She sat in Uncle Tommy's lap for the most part until she had to go to Sunday School. She lasted about 15 minutes in SS until the kids did an activity that scared her, so she ended back up with us for the service. She sat through it well, until she had to go potty......Oh well, we will try again next week.
We look forward to this week of just relaxing, before starting preschool next week. I look forward to seeing the progress Anna makes in preschool and the progression of her English as well.


1 comment:

Candice said...

So, so cute. I can't wait until I get to finally meet your spunky little girl! It is so awesome how God seemed to design our kids to fit into our families even though they were born half way across the world!

Love, Candice