Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hip surgery done, doing well

Tuesday 04/27, Anna had the plate and 4 screws removed from her left hip. Her recovery time is expected to be about a week, and 2 days post op we are still with fevers and not able to walk a whole lot.
This hardware has stunted the growth of her left leg and has caused the limp and some of the instability she has. Although it was necessary to be in place due to her congenital hip dislocation/dysplasia. We are hoping in the next couple of years the left leg catches up with the right one. If not, when she is 9 or 10 years old or if not before, she will have to have another surgery. We are hoping also we can start learning to jump and run once everything is healed. And YES, she got the hardware as a souvenir.

Sunshine always helps a speedy recovery!!

1 comment:

Chrystal Murphy said...

That looks like some heavy duty hardware! She's a beautiful girl. We're praying for a quick recovery!