Wednesday, July 28, 2010

4 More Weeks?

Dr Bruce said today, " Four more weeks not bearing any weight on the right leg". WHATTT? Oh my goodness!! I was shocked, but he said the break is still very visible and is just going to take some time to heal. We FINALLY got her wheelchair yesterday, which has helped. And I think she might have been in one before, because it's like the Daytona 500 in our living room. She has been doing laps around the furniture, turning 360's and racing. Here is a picture of her new wheels. We covet prayers for continued bone healing and growth, and hoping the blood supply was not interrupted when the break occured. If so, that could mean further surgeries.
And yes, that is Justin Bieber playing on the ipod touch! She loves the song "baby" and was the first pop song she learned.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Anna broken"

Last Saturday night, after a long day which included a swim meet and Zachary's baseball game in the World Series, Anna fell in her room. She said she hit the door and was complaining about her knee hurting. We didn't notice any deformity or anything abnormal, so we put her back to bed and the next morning, she was still complaining. I took her to the ER on Sunday morning (while Mickey had to preach) and she was diagnosed with a right hip fracture (the OTHER hip). She went to surgery within 3 hours to repair and now has another plate and 4 screws. She has done really well, but will not be able to put ANY weight on for a couple of weeks. So we are waiting on our wheelchair to get here so she can get around. The doctor estimates a recovery period of 4-6 weeks. Hopefully she will be well enough to go to school sometime in August.
When anyone asks Anna, what happened? She says, " Anna broken" and she puts her 2 hands together and acts like she is breaking something. And she says, "Anna can't walk"..... Thanks for your continued prayers, she actually had been showing some improvement in the strength of this leg, and now this....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer fun!!

Anna is loving the swimming this summer. Between her grandparents pool and swim practice, she goes very often. She was a little skiddish at first, but after about a week, she asks everyday to go swimming.  The swimming is also good therapy for her legs.
Which last Friday she went back for another procedure- an MRI of her full spine, under anesthesia AGAIN! So tired of that, cause she gets so sick and then runs a fever. Good news is- NO spinal abnormality. They were ruling out spina bifida or tethered cord. But, they did find a small anomaly with the lower part of her brain, that normally goes undetected in most people, but since they did the MRI, they saw hers. It is called a Chiari Malformation I. It is considered the least severe of the 4 kinds, and normally does not require any surgery or anything, just monitoring. So we will continue to do physical therapy and try building up those toothpicks for legs she has.

We have spent the past couple of months at the ballfield, several nights a week and also on the weekends for Zachary's baseball. Anna has learned what the concession stand is and wants to go often, and here is Papaw taking her. She says, "Give me money".
Anna and her pal Adam sharing Skittles and Popcorn together.
Anna and Dad fixing to get ready for July 4th fireworks.
Anna had a great time with the sparklers and loved waving them around. After all, pretty much all the fireworks are made in China. :)